Dream Steam

Dream Steam
Dream Steam

Czech Republic / 2023 / 40 min

Dream Steam
Dream Steam

Czech Republic / 2023 / 40 min

Video composition blending archival and contemporary footage from Poberouní, (Černošice, Mokropsy, Lipence). Film poetically observes the significance of the railway in Prague-West's development. It creatively employs visual materials from locals and city archives, across various eras and formats (VHS, DVD, 8mm, analog/digital photos). Highlighting the unique Mokropsy railway bridge, which faced demolition without historical protection, the film screened as site-specific event at Mokropsy. The initiative succeeded, preserving part of the bridge. The film not only showcases the bridge but also the railway surroundings and the "commuting" phenomenon. Inspired by G. Šmidlíková's memories, it mirrors her categorization into 4 seasons. Film aims to ignite interest in local history.

Writer / Magdalena Kašparová    Story / Petr Kubín    Editor / Magdalena Kašparová    Sound / Antonín Závodný , Max Stejskal    Music / Antonín Závodný , Max Stejskal


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Czech Film Center
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