Visiting Heaven Gate

In postproduction Latest update: 14 June 2024

Visiting Heaven Gate
Cesta k nebeské bráně

Vietnam, Czech Republic / 17 min / Czech, Vietnamese

In postproduction Latest update: 14 June 2024

Visiting Heaven Gate
Cesta k nebeské bráně

Vietnam, Czech Republic / 17 min / Czech, Vietnamese

After her father's passing, a daughter returns to Vietnam to be with her mother. Their pilgrimage to Heaven Gate, a tourist attraction in Sapa, reflects their struggle to connect since his loss.

After her father's tragic passing, a daughter returns from the Czech Republic to Vietnam to be with her mother. They travel to Sapa and embark on a shared pilgrimage to Heaven Gate, a tourist attraction in northern Vietnam. The mother hopes to reunite with her late husband, ascending the mountains seeking solace, unlike Orpheus' descent into the underworld. The daughter, grappling with her own vulnerability, joins the physical journey while navigating her own mental abyss. Together, they try to find healing and understanding amidst the sublime beauty of nature. However, their journey reveals that the women have been struggling to connect since the father's accident.

Cast / CÚC HOÀNG NSND , LINH NAM NGUYỄN , TÂN NGUYỄN , LỞ A    Costumes / MINH PHƯỢNG NGUYỄN    Dop / TRIỀU HOÀNG VŨ    Editor / Alexander Kashcheev    Music / VLADIMÍR CHÁB    Set designer / LONG MINH TÔ    Sound / Petr Kolev    Writer / TRANG QUỲNH NGHIÊM

Completion date / June 2024


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