Vojtěch Komrzý

Czech Republic , Provok

Vojtěch Komrzý

Producent , Kontaktní osoba

Im running a small but progressive production company Provok s.r.o. Within this production company I have already produced several nice films, from shorts to feature. Iam proud of documentaries Ive done, and music video for Diplo with Warner Brothers. Besides that I worked on several international projects, for companies like HBO (Ivan Zachariass The Sleepers), or Danish Production company Zentropa (Thomas Vinterberg, Families like ours). Besides that I worked on multiple audiovisual projecs.


Moje nebe je horší než tvoje peklo

2023, Kontaktní osoba, Producent

Czech Film Center
oddělení Státního fondu kinematografie pro propagaci české kinematografie v zahraničí

Email: info@filmcenter.cz


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