An unconventional paraphrase of the renowned novel, Alice in Wonderland, based on the book of Jana K. Studničková. A poetic story of little Alenka travelling through the magical land of her childhood, where the dreams and reality blend and legendary characters such as Little Prince, John of Nepomuk or Infant Jesus of Prague come back to life. The break point comes when Alenka's imaginary friend leaves and her childhood ends. However, thanks to a magical globe, she manages to find the centre of the labyrinth of her soul and gradually becomes an adult.
Cast / Viktorie Stříbrná , Veronika Žilková , Boleslav Polívka , Jiří Dvořák , Jana Pidrmanová , Tereza Taliánová , Mikuláš Matoušek , Simona Postlerová Writer / Jana Kristina Studničková , Otakáro Maria Schmidt DoP / Jiří Strnad , Marek Jícha Editor / Jana Kristina Studničková Sound / Ladislav Greiner Music / Vojtěch Komárek , Zdeněk Pololáník Costumes / Jana Kristina Studničková Make-Up / Jana Kristina Studničková Set Designer / Jana Kristina Studničková , Otakáro Maria Schmidt
Release date / 08 February 2018