

Czech Republic / 2011 / 75 min


Czech Republic / 2011 / 75 min

Abused is a documentary film whose central protagonist is thirty-year-old Filio Zahradil. When he was a small boy he was sexually abused by his mother. When he was eighteen, however, he killed his mother during a mutual fight, and he ended up in prison. The film crew meets him at the time when Filip is being released from prison. Here the protagonist begins telling the story of his life. In addition to his memories of an unpleasant childhood, the viewer is also offered his no less interesting present life. Filip goes through many relationships, though he "chats up" women exclusively with romance. But the reality is something else entirely. The protagonist is a fan of rough sadomasochist techniques. And he also drags his chosen ones into these romps by force.

Writer / Ivanna Benešová    DoP / Dmitrij Chmelnicky    Editor / Pavel Kern    Sound / Tomáš Vitha    Local Distributor / Ivanna Benešová


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