Year of the Widow

Year of the Widow
Rok vdovy

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia / 2024 / 108 min

Year of the Widow
Rok vdovy

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia / 2024 / 108 min

After her husband´s fatal health collapse, Petra overnight becomes a widow. As she soon finds out, her grief and loneliness are not the only challenges she has to face. Unexpectedly demanding are also countless practical and administrative tasks that a person’s death brings in the 21st century. The fiction debut of an awarded documentary director draws an intimate and minimalistic drama that touches a taboo topic and captures a clash between a person's individual perception of a situation and the reality.

Cast / Julie Šoucová , Pavla Beretová , Zuzana Kronerová , Tomáš Bambušek    Writer / Eugen Liška    Story / Eugen Liška , Zuzana Pokorná    DoP / Dušan Husár    Editor / Hedvika Hansalová    Sound / Jakub Jurásek    Costumes / Aneta Grňáková    Make-Up / Linda Vondrášková    Set Designer / Kristýna Khínová

Release date / 10 October 2024


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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