Everything We Missed

Everything We Missed
Všechno, co jsme nestihli

Slovakia, Czech Republic / 2024 / 12 min

Everything We Missed
Všechno, co jsme nestihli

Slovakia, Czech Republic / 2024 / 12 min

An affectionate, humanistic film that tells the story of Eva Marty, an overwhelmed toy-maker, and her dog Kubko, who find each other again through an unexpected catastrophe. They’re given the opportunity to have an incredible, literally cosmic experience together. Through their heartwarming journey, they remind us of the beauty of the ordinary moments we share with those we love.

Writer / Marta Prokopová    DoP / Martin Chlpík    Editor / Alexander Kashcheev    Sound / Martin Večeřa    Music / Jan Šléška


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide

Email: info@filmcenter.cz


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