Writing Home

Writing Home
O lýkožroutce

Czech Republic / 2023 / 12 min

Writing Home
O lýkožroutce

Czech Republic / 2023 / 12 min

A small bark beetle girl lives peacefully in a forest in a tree. However, a fire, caused by irresponsible humans, burns the forest down to ashes. Her hand gets burned to charcoal and she gets separated from her family. Lost in a human town, she has to face the dangerous world of giants on her own.

Writer / Eva Matejovičová , Ráchel Absolonová    Editor / Margueritte G. Farag , Savva Dolomanov    Sound / Guillaume Marrone , Juras Karaka    Music / Guillaume Marrone , Juras Karaka    Set Designer / Eva Matejovičová    Animator / Eva Matejovičová


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide

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