The Other One

The Other One
Ta druhá

Czech Republic, Slovakia / 2024 / 85 min

The Other One
Ta druhá

Czech Republic, Slovakia / 2024 / 85 min

Eighteen-year-old Johana is entering a critical year of her teenage life. She wants to leave her small Czech hometown, but there’s more than high school graduation that stands between her and her aspirations. Johana’s life is largely defined by her younger sister’s atypical autism and mental disability, which shape the everyday life of the whole family. Her decision to leave the town slowly crumbles under the feeling of guilt and esponsibility. Can her sister understand, given that Johana is her only friend? Can mum and dad manage without her help? Johana must figure out how to leave so she can return with love. A coming-of-age documentary about responsibility, sisterhood and loving not only others, but also yourself.​

Writer / Marie-Magdalena Kochová


Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide



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