Terminal Viktory

In development Latest update: 16 July 2024

Terminal Viktory
Terminal Viktory

Czech Republic / 80 min / English, Hungarian

In development Latest update: 16 July 2024

Terminal Viktory
Terminal Viktory

Czech Republic / 80 min / English, Hungarian

TERMINAL VIKTORY is a political satire, a captivating ride into the inventive realm of political manipulation and populism with the help of one politician. With the use of generative AI and deep fake animations, the film explores the way populist leaders engage with the public and shows a mirror of the media techniques widely abused. This playful distortion of language and image challenges the perception of what reality is, a very timely question of our era.

Writer / Bálint Révész

Completion date / March 2027

More information

Czech Film Center
division of the Czech Film Fund promoting Czech cinema worldwide

Email: info@filmcenter.cz


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