Al Amari, Temporary Residence

Al Amari, Temporary Residence
Al Amari, přechodný pobyt

Czech Republic, Romania, Palestine / 2021 / 43 min

Al Amari, Temporary Residence
Al Amari, přechodný pobyt

Czech Republic, Romania, Palestine / 2021 / 43 min

The search of one´s own identity and responsibility through prism of Palestinian refugee camp Al Amari, Ramallah. Al Amari was established after its inhabitants were expelled from their original homes with the promise that the situation will last just a week. This “provisional solution” has become permanent and has continued for 70 years. The past has transformed into everyday reality and reflects in many aspects of the camp environment. Protagonists Hannan, Jaafar and Shams have their own rituals: how to get out from the camp for a moment and how to deal with their “refugee” identity, stated in their ID´s. People's solidarity in this ghetto, built from concrete cubes, almost transforms into eternal rubbernecking and uptight rules.

Writer / Kristýna Kopřivová    Story / Kristýna Kopřivová , Tomáš Kepka    DoP / Kristýna Kopřivová , Shayma Awawdeh , Yousef Hammad    Editor / Elvira Dulskaia    Sound / Mihai Vasiu


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